Rex Arkitektbyrå logga
Nybyggnad av en sjöbod på vacker och inspirerande skärgårdsö, ritad av Rex arkitektbyrå

Boathouse Tallviken

We got to design a boathouse on a beautiful location in the Swedish archipelago. It is built completely in wood and stands on a foundation of steel and concrete that is anchored in the rocks underneath the water. The building is shaped like the body of a boat turned upside down. The heart of the boathouse is the solid chimney which connects the three fireplaces: one outside, one in the main space and one in the sauna.

LOCATION: Swedish archipelago
New construction, boathouse


Nybyggnad av en sjöbod där huset är utformat som ett upp- och nedvänt båtskrov, ritad av Rex arkitektbyrå
The project got published in the magazine Elle Interiör (no 5, 2002), as well as the Italian design and interior magazine Casamica (no 3, 2004).