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Marielund is a project with many different parts that has been running for a long time. It includes careful renovation of existing buildings as well as new construction of housing around Marielunds herrgård. Some of the buildings has a high historical value which has affected the character of the project. The existing buildings we have been working with are: Herrgården (the mansion), grain warehouse, barn, gardeners lodge and bakery.  Beside the bakery a new twin house will be built. There are 14 apartments/homes in total, approximately 1400 sqm added together.

Five conservatory twin houses can be seen on the site map, in the south. They have not a gotten clearance to start, read more about that project in “Marielund Conservatory Twin Houses”.

LOCATION: Strängnäs, Marielund
Private real estate company
renovation/ new construction, housing
14 apartments, 1400m2 in total
soon to be built

Situationsplan över nya bostäder runt Marielunds herrgård, av Rex Arkitektbyrå