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Idéprojekt Marielund Orangeribostäder ritat av Rex Arkitektbyrå

Marielund Conservatory Twin Houses

The conservatory twin houses are one part of a bigger project that includes careful renovation of existing building as well as new construction of housing around Marielunds herrgård. The five twin houses are inspired by Palladios conservatory in the 1500s outside of Venice. The glass facades are divided by pilasters crowned by urns with doves on top. The buildings are located in a park with protected oaks, the twin houses are carefully positioned in between the trees. The project has not gotten a clearance to start, but other parts of the Marielund-project has gotten further, read more about these in the project “Marielund”.

LOCATION: Strängnäs
Private real estate company
Idea project, twin houses
246 sqm / twin house


Idéprojekt Marielund Orangeribostäder ritat av Rex Arkitektbyrå