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Ronald McDonald hus ritat av Rex Arkitektbyrå

Ronald McDonald House

”Ronald McDonald House has a special place in my heart.”

– Olle Rex

We have had regular commissions for McDonalds and the Lederhausen family for more than 30 years. The house in Stockholm was the first Ronald McDonald House in Sweden. The goal was to create “a home away from home”; a place for families with a child who needs frequent care. It is a temporary residence close to the hospital where the child can be treated without being separated from the family. We have made similar choices as for a permanent residence with beautiful, long lasting solutions that also manages the hygiene requirements. Now it has been running for 25 years and needs to be renovated, which we will contribute with.

LOCATION: Huddinge, Stockholm
Ronald McDonald Barnfond
New construction, healthcare/hotel
room for 14 families

Utsidan av Ronald McDonald hus ritat av Rex Arkitektbyrå
Entré till Ronald McDonald hus ritat av Rex Arkitektbyrå
Utsidan av Ronald McDonald hus ritat av Rex Arkitektbyrå
Ronald McDonald hus ritat av Rex Arkitektbyrå
Rum inne i Ronald McDonald hus ritat av Rex Arkitektbyrå
Rum inne i Ronald McDonald hus ritat av Rex Arkitektbyrå
Sovrum inne i Ronald McDonald hus ritat av Rex Arkitektbyrå
Rum inne i Ronald McDonald hus ritat av Rex Arkitektbyrå